Once you know what's in your transmission, and what’s connected to it, it’s much easier to understand how it works. Let's take a look at how it all comes together. At Midway Diesel LLC in Eloy, AZ, we want to make sure you know how your car works so you can keep it in great condition.
What condition are your tires in? At Midway Diesel LLC in Eloy, AZ, we want to make sure you can tell if your tires are in good condition or ready to be replaced. A simple visual inspection is all you need - it’s easy if you know what to look for. Our technicians have been trained to identify trouble before it hurts your vehicle, but they can also help you understand how to keep your eyes open for serious issues.
Are the tires on your diesel truck any good? At Midway Diesel LLC in Eloy, AZ, we want you to be able to spot the difference between a good tire and one that needs to be replaced. Here’s a quick guide on what to watch out for.
Every year, more and more trucks come equipped with turbochargers. What was once a novelty or a performance option has become increasingly common as stock equipment. What are they for, and how do they work? Midway Diesel LLC in Eloy, AZ is here to help.
If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, there are important points to remember in preserving not only your car or SUV, but it's resale value as well. Luxury and performance vehicles depreciate more quickly than other cars. Many who own these cars like to have the newest and the best of the best. In that way, the odds are stacked against you when trying to get a good price for your car. Fortunately, Midway Diesel LLC has some steps you can take to ensure you get the most for your car when it’s time to sell.
Manual transmissions aren’t necessarily simple, but they’re much easier to understand in concept than their automatic counterparts. You’re probably aware there are gears in manual transmissions - but there’s a little more to it than that. Here are some of the major components you’ll find in a manual transmission.
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